

Made up, BUT true…

Grim Facts &
Hard Truths

Know Your Options

The Funeral Consumers Alliance of Georgia, Inc., ensures that funeral consumers can access accurate information and resources about funeral products and services in Georgia. We help the citizens of Georgia and their families, friends, and caregivers understand their options so they can make fully informed decisions without undue pressure from the funeral industry.

Know Your Plans

Whether you are pre-planning many years ahead of your time of need, or are “in a crunch” to make a quick decision now, we strive to provide facts, figures, contacts, and advice to help in this difficult process. We also offer ideas and planning tools  to help make remembrance ceremonies more meaningful and appropriate for the many people impacted by the loss.

Know Who to Trust

The Funeral Consumers Alliance of Georgia, Inc. maintains strict financial independence from the funeral industry. FCAGa works hard to earn your trust, refusing ALL compensation from the funeral industry for any reference, recommendation, or listing on this website. FCAGa is a consumer advocate, Georgia corporation, and, IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit.