Grave Site Concierge Services

One prominent reason people choose burial over cremation is so that loved ones have a distinct physical site to visit to feel close to the deceased and honor his or her memory. But what happens when circumstances require a move so that the cemetery is no longer geographically close? Or when age creeps up, making driving to the cemetery difficult and the physical work impossible? Who will tend the gravesite as it should be tended? The cemetery itself is likely responsible for mowing, refuse removal and street/curb repair, but not for clipping, edging, or cleaning debris off the headstone.

Thanks to new grave site concierge services popping up around the country, people can provide the attention their loved ones deserve. For a fee, these contractors will deliver a wide variety of products, such as flowers or wreaths, and perform an assortment of services, including weeding and headstone cleaning, based on orders they receive via phone or website. The service may be monthly, seasonal, or even a one-time visit. The concierge will take digital before-and-after photos to email along with a report to the client, providing peace of mind that the loved one’s final resting place is being taken care of. This is next best thing to actually visiting the gravesite, allowing clients to stay attached to the memory and feel that they are honoring their loved one.

For a grave tending service provider directory, visit: